Hunting High and Low sheet music

Hunting High and Low sheet music (a-ha music score)

Hunting High and Low sheet music – A-ha music score is fascinating and beautiful Piano music in which I recommend for you to download. A-ha composed the music and lyrics. Spread around the world and music. And on my last post, I reveal a link to download Linus and Lucy sheet music pdf and lyrics.

  • Best of hunting high and low piano music pdf
  • Download hunting high and low piano notes pdf
  • Download hunting high and low piano sheet music
Sheet Music TitleHunting High and Low sheet music
Composer’sPal Waaktaar
Other Composer’sMagne Furuholmen and Morten Harket
LanguageEnglish Music
Released Date1st of June 1985
Music KeyC major
Music Audio Recorded1984 to 1985
ScoringPiano Solo
Hunting High and Low sheet music

A short history about Hunting High and Low sheet music by A-ha

Hunting High and Low is an album by Norwegian Band named A-ah which was launched in the year 1985 of June 1st by Warner Bros Records. It was a successful album which reached the peak stage on charts worldwide. And also entering the number fifteen on the United State Billboard 200.

This album “Hunting High and Low” sold more than Eleven (11) million nationwide. The album initially recorded in Twickenham at Eel Pie Studio, London. And it was also produced by Alan Tarney, Tony Mansfield and John Ratcliff.

As it as been noted in our last article about one of their popular album “Take On Me“. in which was the first single that was released by the group — the first version launched in the year 1984 with the old video. The single peaked to number three in A-ah native Norway but remained downward to chart in the UK.

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